Building for the Future

Our community has doubled itself a few times over since its inception in 1995. As we grow and expand our activities, we face the limitations of our shul’s physical premises.

Our facility remains inaccessible to those who are unable to negotiate stairs. Access is difficult for the elderly, the frail and young families with strollers. Hosting lectures and other activities is restricted by the lack of a proper social hall. To address these concerns, the congregation has launched a building campaign, drawing up architectural plans for an updated facility that will meet current and future needs. These plans have recently been approved by the local authority.

With the help of your donation we will build an access ramp and install handicap-accessible washrooms. In addition we will enlarge the sanctuary, replace well-worn chairs and add seating to accommodate the rapidly growing greater community.

Please help us build our future. Help our dream become our reality!

Donations to the Beit Boyer Building Campaign are fully tax deductible in Israel, the US and in Canada. 

At present, our campaign goal is set at NIS 300,000 to meet the outstanding target for wheelchair accessibility and basic renovation (as noted on the posters in the shul).



For Pledges in Israeli NIS:

Please make checks payable to Kehilat Talpiot Hachadasha
Send to - Beit Boyer, P.O. Box 10481, Jerusalem 9338443

Bank Transfers and Standing Orders:
Bank Name - Bank Hapoalim - Bank Number 12
Account Name - Kehilat Talpiot Hachadasha
Account Number 434062
Branch Number 748, Hebron Rd, Jerusalem

For Pledges in US $

Bank Transfers

IBAN Number IL120127480000000434062

To visit the Beit Building Campaign Site and make a donation in credit card, please go to Jgivefor Israeli currency and toJgivefor US dollars

If you have questions about the site or the campaign, please feel free to contact Sunny Levy, Helene Roumani, or Stephen Kurer by mail at this address : .

With warm wishes and much appreciation for your support

The Beit Boyer Fundraising Committee

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